Thursday, February 12, 2009

Pajamagrams Creating an Unhealthily Unrealistic Unsexy Image for Men

As the resident purveyor of TV shopping (note to hipster bloggers we had the "snuggy" covered way back in August), and we'd love to cover the Sham-Wow (but how? it's so awesome), we'd now like to tackle the insidious Valentine's Day creation: The Pajamagram.


Clearly the creation of psychopath, clearly.

Now notice that following the adjective "sexy" the reveal a model who may indeed be "sexy" to most, but nonetheless is wearing what amounts to a wife beater and glorified zubaz pants...

But, maybe that's just the ad, surely they keep the racy stuff on the website...

Oh my, shield your eyes children.

When did freshman dorm casual "sexy" based solely on availability and if anything for being an interesting change of pace, become the gold standard? Bullshit, it's comfort and laziness, as such, we present our new "sexy" men's line:


Ed. Note: We will admit that this particular pair are kinda thing that is either the most awesome thing we've ever seen or just terrifying (depending on the wearer[s]):

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