Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Baseball Needs To Take the Japs Out!!!

Alright look, this is going to sound terrible to some of you. This may be pretty uncool of me to say. There are few things in this world i like/take as seriously as baseball. With this said, something has got to be done about the FUCKING JAPANESE and the all star voting. Their technologically advanced advanced culture and what seems to be an overall tenacious patriotism is threatening to ruin the lovely spectacle that is the All Star Game. An outfielder of Japanese blood is starting the game this year. Kosuke Fukodome plays for the Chicago Cubs. This piece of shit is hitting .279 with 7 hrs and 36 rbis. This ranks him not even in the top 100 outfielders in the Majors. He is on pace to strike out 130 times. Since there is no way to stop or limit the voting that comes in from Japan, the only answer is to take the voting away from the fan. Let's face it, most fans don't really know that much about baseball anyways. The vote should be a player/coach vote. Who knows more about baseball than them? If the game is going to count for anything (home field advantage in the biggest series of the fucking year) you can't have a bunch of sake swilling yayhoos putting their son in the game when you know goddamn well he doesn't deserve it. Hell, i guarantee those bastards know he doesn't deserve it too. If its up to the fans, it has to be a pure exhibition without any consequences. I put it to you Mr. Selig, stop this madness.

1 comment:

Jack said...

i meant to say top 100 players in the majors. i'm not sure there are 100 outfielders. also, i may just be a bit xenophobic right now since a bunch of belgians just took over soulard.