Tuesday, October 14, 2008

DJ Bobby Duvall

First, let me express my first thought in hearing about Brett's new diet:
Second, let me say that I have mixed feelings about this, much like my mixed feelings about the "group" Girl Talk, DJ's, mash-ups, sampling, and everything in between. It makes me mad that vegetarians go around giving themselves titles, and even distinguish vegans. You're herbivores, that's what my dinosaur book tells me! I don't go around claiming to be a meatitarian. Jerks. BUT, it does require discipline, which I slightly respect.

Next I really like this Girl Talk guy/band, but I went from "rap samplings are lazy," to "but only when Diddy does it, not Jay-Z, Jay's cool," to "these mash-ups are entertaining parodies," to "ahh weezer and xtina annoys me," to "I hate techno," to "Not Daft Punk, they're cool, and LCD Soundsystem I guess, and well I guess not all electronic music is terrible," to "hmm i might buy a durkle shirt."

Anyway, my new Girl Talk hang up might be a phase like Vampire Weekend, but I can't deny A) that is takes some talent if not genius to do, and B) I really like it.

Maybe in our new post-blogue/series of tubes world we can develop all sorts of remixed improved ironic or straight up honest to goodness awesome amalgamations:

For instance my new take on Brett's diet drink of choice:

I just wish I coulda photoshopped in some cut up bits of a Slim Jim on a toothpick.

Or my new lyrical remixes, check it:

"Yo, you got a problem, Yo, Duvall'll solve it, check out the hook while Duvall's DJ revolves it."

Anyway, I submit Girl Talk's In Step for your approval (Play Your Part pt. 1 and Hold Up are also pretty legit).

I'm really impressed by the intro, and then something about Salt N' Pepa and Lithium strikes a seminal moment in my music video watching development (a wobbly old school beavis n butthead episode memories perhaps?), then surely Brett appreciates one of Luda's better flows (but in a fergie song?) and the funk distortion totally precludes the inferior proliferation of vocoder rap (I'm looking at you Mister akon), and the ending is just badass.

Also, for those not aware of my moonlighting for a gay KC Chiefs site, check it.

1 comment:

Tom said...

that bloody mary looks amazing right now.