Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Goodbye, Chickenburgers!

Both of the regular readers of this blog know about our affinity for experiments that really make no sense, such as the experiment that we conducted during the month of April, 2008.

Well, just like Lewis and Clark, Niel Armstrong, Indiana Jones and Muhammad, I am embarking on a new Journey of Discovery.

I will not be eating any animal carcasses during the month of October, 2008.

That's right, I'm going to try on vegetarian-ism for a month.  No burgers, steaks, or chicken quesadillas.  No more turkey legs, fajitas, pork rinds, or ribs.  Not even livers or loins until after Halloween.  Don't even try offering me jalapeno cheddarwursts or bull testicles.

Why, you ask?  Well it began with a conversation I had with Jeff Jarrett, who is a vegetarian.  His birthday falls on September 30th and in planning his birthday activities I was struck with the realization of how limiting it is to be vegetarian.  I became curious, indeed.

It's like being Left-Handed, or short, or from Chile.  The world is not designed for vegetarians.  I had a brief snapshot that day of the plight of the vegetarian.  I decided that it will only enrich my life to look at the world through the lens of a vegetarian for one month.  I will keep the blogosphere up to date, of course.

I am also taking canned donations of refried beans or cream of mushroom soup.


Chad Rogers said...

Saint Joao Bosco!

Clyde said...

No more chicken burgers? Okay, I've heard some stupid ideas before but this one tops 'em all.