Thursday, April 24, 2008

A Note from Our Sponsors

Er, my, desired sponsors, enablers, whatever you'd like to call them...

I was thinking man, with this blog we offer not only the growing future value of "blog placement," but with that would come automatic "real-world product placement," which in turn would nourish our interweb popularity and soon feed off our "celebrity product placement," which, is why, I, as a fan of the beverage known as a "greyhound" (1 part vodka, 1 part grapefruit juice, and season to taste), am making this, ONE TIME, NON-REFUNDABLE, merit-based offer to take on the follow two Corporate Sponsors:

Snow Queen Premium Kazakhstani Vodka

Natalie's Orchard Grapefruit Juice (We apologize for only the OJ label, rest assured, Trader Joe's has the Grapefruit variety, Bert).

This is provided of course that both sponsors provide supplies and preferably extensive funds for numerous blog-type adventures. This could easily include logo'd helmets, gun range equipment, foam battle equipment, undergarments, socks and throwaway t-shirts, and possibly private planes.

This is a one time offer.

"It's not sellin out if you're buyin in"


Bert said...

Why would we be sponsored by an orange juice company if a Greyhound has Grapefruit juice? Also, did you lie to me when you said a Greyhound has 1 part hashish?

Brendan said...

You summnavich, you would catch all my anticipated problems with that post. In reverse order: the hashish is a european varietal, dubya doesn't appreciate it, but I hear tha obamy feller makes a potent one from whats they got in Kenyer; Fack'n A son, you know how hard it is to find a dreadlocked girl on a grapefruit juice label on even the interweb? Tough son, it ain't like she nakey now issit? So settle down and just rest assure under the dreadlocked girl it say grapefruit instead of orange.


Brendan said...

And I believe I said "season to taste."

Bert said...

Touche, good sir, touche.

Query: Do you often write from the point of view of a Southern male? How does one channel that inner voice - whiskey, flannel, sweet tea?

PS - have an Oldstyle this weekend.