Friday, April 25, 2008

some thoughts from friday's review session

i was forced to endure yet another law school review session, this time for constitutional law. review sessions are great because everyone freaks out, even though only the dumb/lazy people have reason to. Luckily, it gave me some time to think

First, i was wondering about the status of the rain forest. Is it gone, half gone? what's its status? I remember seeing something as a kid that said that they would all be gone by 2020 and no one would care. Were these people liars or just really, really prophetic?

Next, I was trying to pinpoint the death of rap. i haven't liked a new rap song in at least a year. Surely, someone is to blame, and I'm pretty sure it's fat joe. Maybe, Kyle S. could bring rap's renaissance by killing fat joe, both lyrically and literally

I also realized that I have quoted the Big Lebowski way more in my life than the bible. it then occurred to me how similar Jesus and the dude were. They both wore sandals, had long hair, and relied on the handouts from other people. So now I don't feel so bad

a final thought: maybe life is so flowers and sausages

1 comment:

Brendan said...

So am I dumb or lazy?