Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Whatever I'm doing, I guess it's working.

In the past few weeks, I've been told three times that I look like Tom Brady. By a customer at work, a co-worker's daughter, and a random girl (all unrelated).

I don't think so. The erie thing about it is that in each of these circumstances it was directly after meeting me for the first time. THEN last night a woman I was so smitten by me that she didn't even talk to me upon our introduction:

"Brett, meet my friend Carla."

"Hi, Carla, nice to meet you! I'm Brett."
**to the introducer, without acknowledging me whatsoever** "ooh, he looks like a celebrity! like a sports celebrity, you know what I mean? Like a celebrity soccer player!"

**I got bashful and thanked her and quickly ran away**


I guess I should make something clear: I understand that sometimes I can appear to have above average looks. But be wary of inflating my already-too-large ego. However, giving me a compliment like that might put a cocktail in your hand.

I just wish I could look like a famous cowboy or James Hetfield. Instead I get nancy-boy Tom Brady and a dude who's picture is next to "Metrosexual" in the dictionary.

1 comment:

Brendan said...

I smell an intentionally bashful slow posting. Blog hard or blog home!